In the rich fabric of India's handloom traditions, Project LooM, led by author and journalist Shoba Narayan, emerges as a beacon for artisans working tirelessly in anonymity. Commissioned by Taniera, a Titan company, the project aims to elevate the art of handloom craftsmanship, shedding light on the history and culture woven into each fabric.
Shoba presented a unique challenge to us: how do you make consumers more aware and appreciative of the artistry in their hands? The mission extended to inspire a deeper understanding and value for the craftsmanship involved. The trickiest part? Creating these stories across the country - with each having their own flavour, inspired by the handloom and the region.
Our approach was a deep dive into the world of Indian handloom, working closely with Shoba Narayan to understand the heart of these traditions. We embarked on a journey of discovery - meeting artisans and art historians, asking questions, and capturing the history of the weaves as well as the essence of their unique creative processes.
The result was a series of six visually stunning short documentary films, each unravelling a unique intricate handloom process from inception to completion. We traversed locations that have a rich history of weaving traditions and weaver collectives, bringing to life the untold stories of India’s weaving traditions and the handlooms that today’s consumers cherish.